Deadlines for December Projects

Projects that are due in December include: an essay, ancient civilizations poster,  and a mini presentation on the Nutcracker. Check the assignments tab for more details.

Ancient Civilizations Poster Project

Students need to remember to bring in their public library cards to school tomorrow in order to reserve resources for their research project. Students also need to purchase a 22x28 white poster board this weekend.

Here are some links to online resources for their project:

Tecumseh Elementary Ancient Civilizations Links

2 Column Notes Template

MOM 2 MOM Poverty Initiative: Please Help Fulfill the Wishlists Until November 25th!

Today, students will learn more about Mom2Mom- a local organization that supports single moms and their children who are living in poverty right here in Vancouver.

For the second year in a row, our class and two others are sponsoring three families who have very little.

We are grateful for any donations that you can offer and will accept them in our classroom until November 25th.

Click here to see the wishlist for all three families.

We hope you can help!

Here is some more information about Mom2Mom:
Dear Cavell families,
We are writing to you to ask your support of the Mom 2 Mom organization. We encourage you to visit the M2M blog at, or have a look at the the Mom 2 Mom facebook page: where you will find inspiring stories of the resiliency, strength and resourcefulness of mothers here in Vancouver.

Mom2Mom (M2M) was co-founded by developmental pediatrician, Dr. Barbara Fitzgerald, who has been working in Vancouver Inner City Schools since 1997. In her role, she saw that children were in loving homes, however poverty created huge disparities in the tools they received to foster their success at school and in life. With such an uneven playing field, the likelihood that they would succeed seemed remote. Through compassionate and respectful mentoring, our M2M volunteers help and support mothers to parent their children and provide them with the tools they need to be successful. We try to provide the basic necessities for their homes and food to feed their families, but mostly we extend kindness and compassion to women who may not have had enough of that. We hope to level the playing field a bit so that resilient, loving mothers can raise healthy children who finish school and go on to lead happy and productive lives.
Families at M2M have received a blank wish list and have been coached to ask for ANYTHING they need or DREAM of. We have summarized their requests on the attached sheet. These families have so little, with your help we can make an enormous difference in their lives. Our hope is that you and your team are able to grant or donate as many of the wish list items as possible on the list.
Your class will be receiving their wishlist on November 18th, at which point …
o   Please do not donate what is not on the list; the families at Mom 2 Mom do not have any means to store items they are not using.
o   Please ensure that the items are freshly washed, like new and good quality. Something you would like to receiveJ
o   If you are not able to donate items from the list, please consider adding gift cards to grocery stores, community centers and a preloaded compass card. Each family has listed grocery gift cards on their wish list.
o   If the size of clothing requested is not one you have ready access to, please consider purchasing items from consignment stores.
o   Please send items you are donating to your child`s classroom during the week of November 18th – 25th, 2016.
o   We cannot accept cash donations.

THANK YOU so much for helping us to show families in need that they are a part of an incredible community.

Math Test: This Thursday, November 17th

Reminder that there will be a math test for grades 6 and 7 this Thursday.

Please continue to review the following concepts with the help of your workbook and problems of the week.
To be efficient in your studying, I suggest that you make cue cards with questions that cover the key areas and concepts listed below (question/concept on one side, answer/definition on the other side).

Good luck, if you have any questions, please email me.

Grade 7s:

  • Extending patterns of numbers
  • Completing T-Tables and the rules for solving them
  • Constant Rates
  • Writing algebraic expressions
  • Modelling equations, preserving equality, and solving equations with one and two steps
  • Distinguishing between equations and expressions
  • Dividing by a constant
  • Writing word problems as algebraic expressions
  • Solving and explaining a "problem of the week" on patterning and algebra

Grade 6s:

  • Extending patterns and predicting positions
  • Introduction to patterns in T-Tables
  • Number lines
  • Finding Rules for T-Tables
  • Finding Rules for Patterns
  • Applying Rules for Patterns
  • Solving and explaining a "problem of the week" on patterning and algebra

Hamber Field Trip - Where and When to Meet on Wednesday, November 16th

Hello Grade 7s,
Many students have decided to meet up at the King Edward Skytrain Station at 8am in order to walk together to Eric Hamber. Please join them if your like!

Otherwise, I will meet you at the front doors to the school (on Willow Street) at 8:45.

Please bring a snack. We will walk back to school in time for hot lunch.

Thanks, Ms. House

Grad Hoodies

Gard Hoody notice and cheque due Friday Nov. 18th.

Social Studies Test-Friday Nov. 18

Our test on the three levels of government will be this Friday.

Students should study:
- The different roles of each level of government
- The diagram of Canada's Parliamentary System
- How a bill becomes a law

Fresh Grade Assessment Update and a Happy Long Weekend

Hello, our class is now on Fresh Grade! If you would like to see what your child is up to and how they are doing on their assignments, please download the free Fresh Grade Parent  app and ask your child to show you their digital portfolio. Research suggest that when students have access to their progress digitally, they are more motivated and engaged. This app is also a tool that sample groups of teachers from across the province are using in order to create digital portfolios. In the future, it is likely that this will be one way of reporting student progress on the new curriculum.
If you have any questions, please email Ms. House:

Mr. Baldwin and I will be learning more about this tool on our Curriculum Implementation Day on November 10th.

Happy Long Weekend to all students! You have been working very hard. Enjoy your break and keep planning your yearlong Genius Hour inquiry project.

Scientific Inquiry Method Test- November 8th

There will be a test on the scientific inquiry method on Tuesday, November 8th.
Please study the following vocabulary words ( use your flapbook  worksheets, and science lab):

control group

Study Tip:
* Use your flapbook to prepare ( and watch the cheesy video on this blog!)

Also, you will need to :
-identify the sequence and steps in a scientific experiment
-evaluate scientific questions and hypotheses- are they valid, could you do an experiment based on the question? Is the hypothesis reasonable? Detailed? ( examples on the sheets we did in class)
-discuss your findings from your Gummy Bear Science Lab- think about the changes to volume, density and mass. Identify the control group and variables.

Study Tip:
*Review your science worksheets, predict the steps in an experiment that could be done based on an inquiry question we've reviewed (bird feeder, etc)

*Science labs will be returned on Friday if they were handed in on time.

Good Luck!

Tragically Hip Questions: Due November 3rd

Questions on the "Tragically Hip"  are due at 3pm tomorrow, November 2rd. Students will have 40 minutes of class time this assignment.

Review the Scientific Inquiry Method With This Video

Need a tool to remember the steps in the scientific inquiry method? Check out this singing scientist's catchy tune for an easy and cheesy review.

We will be having a quiz on the steps in the scientific method next week.

Deadline for Gummy Bear Science: November 3rd or 4th!

Please note that your lab report and post-lab questions are now due on Thursday, November 3rd. If you are attending We Day, you may hand in your questions on November 4th to the In Box in the classroom. Go to the assignments tab if you need to view the handouts.

Geniuses at Work: Here is a list of our inquiry questions for 2019-2020

Genius Hour Questions 2019-2020 ·       What impact does a healthy free lunch program (nutrition) and schools being built closer to stu...