Kindness Month- Well Done, Kindness Crews!

Division 2 did a lot of outreach this month in order to spread kindness across the school. Helping others made us all feel good.

Choose Kind: Viewing the movie "Wonder"
We booked a gigantic field trip for all our intermediate friends to join us at a viewing of "Wonder". What a great way to start "Kindness Month"!

Pink Kindness Notes for the Staff:It started with kindness notes to all teachers, support staff and custodial staff.

Hot Chocolate Kindness Crew- For the Whole School
We also formed kindness crews and delivered hot chocolate to each class in the school.

Kindness Jars- For Our Class
Finally, we made kindness jars for each person in our class and reflected on something we appreciated about them on little notes. All the little jars were filled with all the little notes so that whenever we need a boost, we just have to read the notes we received.

"Famous" Acts of Kindness- When Stars Do Good Deeds, A Critical Thinking Discussion
Last Friday, during our afternoon meeting, we reflected on "famous kindness" the act of doing something for others in the public eye. We had a great discussion about Drake's latest video, "God's Plan". Some of our questions were:
Should famous people get publicity for being generous?
Should thy do good deed anonymously?
Does Drake think he's God?
Does it take away from his good deeds if he makes it into a music video?

Geniuses at Work: Here is a list of our inquiry questions for 2019-2020

Genius Hour Questions 2019-2020 ·       What impact does a healthy free lunch program (nutrition) and schools being built closer to stu...