Grade 7's: Photos for the Slideshow are Tomorrow

For all grade 7 students: photos for the grad slide show will be taken tomorrow. Meet us at lunch outside Mr. Bell's portable.

Our Foods Studies Unit Has Begun

We have just begun a unit in Food Studies where we will learn about foods, nutrition and cooking!

Would you consider sharing your cooking with us over the next month? If so, please let me know what dates might work for you. 

If you can come in and share some cooking with us, we would be most grateful. Time slots are flexible but would have to be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays.
Please email Ms. House if you are able to help.

Field Trip forms are due tomorrow!

Welcome back, division 2 students! 

This is a reminder that your field trip form for our field trip on Tuesday morning to the Vancouver Art Gallery is due tomorrow. Please be sure to leave it in the field trip forms folder. If you have lost this paper, please ask your parents to write a permission letter for you and bring that to school.  We will be back in time for hot lunch.

 I'm also excited to let you know that the Langara student  nurses will return in the afternoon to talk about smoking and healthy lifestyle choices.

I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful spring break with your families.

See you soon.

Family Story Interview


During Spring Break, you are responsible for asking your family some questions about your journey to BC. You can do this over dinner, a game of cards or on a road trip!

After Spring Break and your interview are completed, you can make your own story of your family's journey to our beautiful province!

ONLY CONDUCT THE INTERVIEW OVER THE BREAK! And please record the responses...

Also, don't forget to include your own questions in the interview!

Ask your families where they are from originally?
       How did your family arrive to Canada and/or to BC?
       When did your family arrive to Canada and/or to BC?
       What was it like being in a foreign country?
       What were some difficulties?

       Any specific experiences?

Book Reviews due Wednesday, March 8th

We have been studying book reviews- the kind you would find in the New York Times or Globe and Mail and now we are writing our own. We will be uploading these to the Scholastics website so that other kids around the planet can read them. Please check the assignments tab for the rubric and web address.

Open House- This Wednesday!

Parents, please join us this Wednesday between 2-7pm for Cavell Open House. We would like to invite you to come and try some hands-on activities in our classroom and learn more about what we've been up to in term 2. See you there!

Geniuses at Work: Here is a list of our inquiry questions for 2019-2020

Genius Hour Questions 2019-2020 ·       What impact does a healthy free lunch program (nutrition) and schools being built closer to stu...